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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Before You Make the Principal Leap...

When you assume the position of PRINCIPAL, you will have many critical artifacts to move into your new office. You might have a "Someday" file (ideas you've collected throughout the years as you looked forward to your big chance). You may have new stationery/nameplate/id badge with your name and the word "principal" on it. Of course you will have a multitude of books for reference on legal issues, leadership topics, and curricular concerns. However, there are a few other items that no one will guide you on, so I want to clue you in right now! Go ahead and start your Principal Pack. It will contain:
1. An American Flag scarf or necktie. I cannot tell you how many times you will need to pull this out! Veterans Day and other assemblies honoring heroes - you will get some use out of this!
2.A tiara/boa/wand, etc. No kidding - I have worn one of these for various reasons. Many times I have said, "Oh, I have a boa in my office," because one was needed for a skit/dress up day/etc. In what other job could that happen? Well, okay, maybe a couple of other jobs...
3. Music! Play it! We play music prior to the staff meetings starting as a signal for everyone to make their way to the library. On Friday afternoons, I play music when all buses have pulled out. On special mornings we play music as the students arrive. On the last day of school, I play "goodbye" songs over the intercom during dismissal. We definitely play music after all of the buses have left on the last day of school! If you need to raise the energy level, turn up the tunes!
4. A blazer or nice jacket. Just keep this hanging on the back of your door. The odds are that if you choose a certain day for jeans, a spirit shirt, and flip flops, you are going to get a visit from the superintendent, the media, or a crazy parent. Throw the jacket on!
5.A camera. Now that I have finally gotten an iPhone (yeah, me!), I don't leave my office without it. I am able to snap a picture quickly and immediately send it to our Ning. This is a great way to showcase the many events and instructional successes going on in my school.
6. Cute fonts/decorative paper/etc. I know that the minimalists out there will scoff at this "silliness", but Quantum Learning's research based strategies show us that messages "easy on the eye" with color/font/pictures will leave impressions that last longer than a plainly typed memo. If you are not good at "cutening" it up - hire an AP who is! (Yes, I made that word up!)
7. Costumes of any and every sort. I have dressed up as various science terms (I was a cumulus cloud!), action verbs, book characters, etc... Now I have a "swap partner" - a principal at another school. When one of us has a costume need, we email each other. Between us, we are growing quite the collection. Most recently I dressed as Cruella DeVil for book character day (see pic). My poor Instructional Specialists - that's them dressed as dalmatians!

8. A sense of humor. Need I say more?