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Thursday, June 25, 2015

She's B-a-a-a-ack!

So much has happened since my last post... (That is what happens when you don't write down your thoughts for 3 years, I guess!) Something important that occurred in my life is my job transfer. I was able to leave my previous principal position in a very large district (over 50 elementary schools!) to serve as principal in the smaller area where I live (4 elementary schools). I absolutely LOVE serving in my small town and seeing all my "peeps" - big and little - when I am out. It is a blessing to continue the job I love and be able to apply all of the training and knowledge from the 7 years at my previous one.

I am going to follow up on this post with some fun things we are doing at my campus. I've gotten so inspired from following principals on their blogs that I have started to feel a little guilty about letting mine slide! I am so excited to be back and share my thoughts. I will be back next week with a picture of our staff spirit shirts for 2015-16. They are going to be SUPER cute!! Our theme is "Deep in the Heart."

Happy Summer!