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Monday, July 6, 2015

Summer Reading/Writing

Do you LOVE Todd Whitaker? I think he is the bees' knees, so I am excited to have these books ready for all 79 staff members upon their return. I'm spending a few weeks writing a personal note in each person's, which has been a powerful experience. So many of my staff exemplify most of the 17 things he lists that it is hard to choose just one. But I'm going to push through! 

I have a little tub (dishpan from a Target) for each staff member. My secretary and I use those for staff supplies, handouts, t-shirts, and other goodies. They look forward to getting their tubs on our 1st day back in August. I am going to put each person's book in their tub, and we will refer back to it throughout the year.

Are you sharing any books with your staff? 

Deep in the Heart

This will be our staff shirt for 2015-16. I am super excited! Getting organized for Back to School is a little like Christmas... My secretary and I love to pick out all of the goodies for our staff. We are like elves, haha!!

I love our shirt and theme: "Deep in the Heart". The reason students are successful in school is because of the connection we make with them - deep in the heart. So very important...

Also, Montgomery is the birthplace of the Texas flag, in case you didn't know...And of course we all love Chevron! 

Special thanks to CC Creations for finding the perfect shirt and creating our new design. They are super talented.