The week before Christmas holidays, we had a staff meeting after school. Yes, with 2 days left...after school...oh, and it was pajama day. How excited were they for a meeting? I know, I felt like the Grinch. We have 4 monthly awards that staff members pass out at each meeting, so it was important that we circle up. Of course I had some general info as the first half of our year began to wind down as well. (And snacks - we always have snacks! December was a popcorn bar.) I also wanted to respect their time but accomplish something in the process. It is my goal that everyone leaves my meetings "a little more" - a little more prepared, excited, determined, etc... I never want to "meet to meet". I value their time. Plus, to have every staff member together - that should be powerful and electric!
At the start of the meeting we passed out a blue and a purple sticky note. During the meeting, they reflected on what they accomplished in 2015 (purple), and stated what they hoped to accomplish in 2016 (blue). They stuck them on as exit tickets when they left.
I am going to type them up and share them with everyone on our staff blog. They are so motivating! I'm super proud of their variety of successes and I love the way they are pinpointing one specific area. It was a great way to end the first half of our year.
Here is my staff in their pj's. They are amazing - and look how cute they are!