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Friday, February 3, 2012

Super Bowl Super Fun!

I know this is a little late for the current year, so go ahead and file it away for 2013! Here are two fun and fantastic ideas we do at my campus each January.
SuperBowl Squares
I stole this idea from my good friend and colleague Kelly Gerletti, principal at Robison Elementary. Staff members earn labels throughout the month for a variety of reasons - participation in teambuilding events (see next idea), turning grades/attendance/etc. on time, rising to any number of challenges. I give out sheets of labels to my administrative team so that we are throwing out plenty of praise! Staff write their names on the labels and place them on 10x10 posterboard chart. Once the chart is full, we make a new one if needed. This year we created three charts. There were several spots left on the last chart, so I added labels that say, "Coke Floats", "Donut Day", or "Jeans 4 All". Finally, we draw the numbers for each side and add the team names. This is just like a regular football pool, but the prizes we hand out for each quarter are gift certificates to the teacher supply store! We will have three posters with four quarters - 12 winners! If the magic square is a label I created (above), then the whole staff ends up winning that item. Super Fun!

SuperBowl Shoot Out
On the Friday before the Big Game, during each grade level's Large Group (Art/Music/PE) time, the grade level teachers and students congregate in the gym. The students cheer for their teachers as they compete in a hybrid football-musical chair game that my doll of a PE teacher created. The teachers start in a row of chairs, jump up when the whistle/music starts, and start throwing footballs. We have three hula hoops rigged up and two big tubs of footballs. The teachers throw the footballs at the hoops until they get one in, then they run back to a chair. Each time they stand up, we take away one chair. Finally, it gets down to the last two contestants - then the "big winner"! For participating, everyone gets a label. The winner for each grade level will earn a teacher supply gift certificate. The students enjoy this almost as much as the teachers! I absolutely love seeing the staff and our kids have fun.

SuperBowl Super Feast
Of course we "tailgate" on this Friday, as well! Snacks, dips/chips - we provide a little spread of yummy food to make this day fun. I have also asked PTO to provide food some years, if we are stretched a little too thin. I love football, and I love my staff - so blending these two things is, well, Super!!

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