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Sunday, December 27, 2015

Out goes 2015... In comes 2016

The week before Christmas holidays, we had a staff meeting after school. Yes, with 2 days left...after school...oh, and it was pajama day. How excited were they for a meeting? I know, I felt like the Grinch. We have 4 monthly awards that staff members pass out at each meeting, so it was important that we circle up. Of course I had some general info as the first half of our year began to wind down as well. (And snacks - we always have snacks! December was a popcorn bar.) I also wanted to respect their time but accomplish something in the process. It is my goal that everyone leaves my meetings "a little more" - a little more prepared, excited, determined, etc... I never want to "meet to meet". I value their time. Plus, to have every staff member together - that should be powerful and electric!

At the start of the meeting we passed out a blue and a purple sticky note. During the meeting, they reflected on what they accomplished in 2015 (purple), and stated what they hoped to accomplish in 2016 (blue). They stuck them on as exit tickets when they left. 

I am going to type them up and share them with everyone on our staff blog. They are so motivating! I'm super proud of their variety of successes and I love the way they are pinpointing one specific area. It was a great way to end the first half of our year. 

Here is my staff in their pj's. They are amazing - and look how cute they are!

We are ready for 2016! 

Wednesday, December 23, 2015


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Sunday, December 13, 2015

It's a Canva Christmas!

I have played around with Canva a little bit this year to make a few signs or invitations. There are so many options out there that I wasn't fully committed...until this holiday season! Here is a screenshot of our 12 days of Christmas activities that my secretary and I plan out for our staff. I used Canva to make each sign one evening (with my laptop while I was catching up on some tv shows!). Then, each morning I send an email with the day's invitation in it. They are fun and beautiful! I have the invitations already ready in my email draft folder, so all I have to do is open and send. It has been super easy!

In fact, if you look at the bottom, you will see my family's Christmas card. I had a hard time uploading and designing the card on Shutterfly to fit the image in my mind (although I do love Shutterfly products and quality!). So, I used Canva to design the front of the card, then uploaded it to their site on a blank card template. Boom. Love.

I am always excited to try new technology sites and apps. I hope you enjoy this one, too.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Christmas Challenges

We are doing something fun during these crazy 3 weeks before Christmas break. Of course we will have exciting events for the students (parties, choir concerts, programs), and we are doing a 12 Days of Christmas mailbox surprise for all of the staff for those 12 days leading up to Christmas break. However we are also undertaking a Christmas challenge each day as well. It is how the staff can earn jeans/warm ups/comfy clothes with their holiday or spirit shirts (perfect time of year & weather for this!!)

In our Christmas Challenge, the staff members must agree to perform the task listed in order to wear their jeans, etc. I post the daily challenge on our Staff Site. This is a website I've created to keep our staff up to date. It has a weekly blog for the daily events and reminders, a page with different forms and helpful information (so they don't have to spend time searching), and a home page for general pictures and info.

I'm attaching a screenshot of a few days that show our Christmas Challenge. I hope you can see it. On days where people will get treats in their boxes, I am going to have my office elves make sure that all staff get something. Some of the days' challenges are focused on staff, and some of the days' challenges are focused on students. All of the activities will increase the positive attitude! It has been fun to get this started, and I know it will help with staff morale over a stressful, busy time of year!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Periscoping for Your Viewing Pleasure

We are stepping out on a shaky limb tomorrow, my friends, and we are super excited! At 9:30 tomorrow morning, our school counselor, Elisa Krug, is hosting a parent meeting on "Building Self Confidence in Your Child." That is great and part of what makes your school a strong resource for our families, but we are taking it to the next level with the meeting! We are going to Periscope this session, using the app and my phone. Oh. Wow! This will be a great opportunity for our parents who have other commitments - work, babies, etc., because Periscope will not only stream it live (no pressure at all, Mrs. Krug!), it will keep it on broadcast availability for 24 hours. For parents joining us live, they will be able to post questions via the site. If this is successful, we are already thinking about other applications, such as student programs. We want parents to feel as if they are still a part of everything - even when they cannot physically be present. Do you use Periscope? If so, follow me at @drcbartlett and see what awesome things are happening at Lone Star Elementary!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

5 Minutes @ End of Day

I read this tip earlier in the month while browsing through Principal magazine: End each day by writing a positive note to a staff member, which will also help you exit feeling good about the day. This sounded like a simple enough strategy to try, so I grabbed a little notepad and set it on my desk. I have done this for two weeks now, and I loooove it! I have to admit that I ran out a couple afternoons and forgot, but I am determined to make this a habit. I've found that the extra 5 minutes focusing on specific praise for a staff member about something that happened during the day is helping me walk out with a smile. This is great for everyone (me, my family, my staff, and so on...)
Also, I am going to buy some cute notepads at Vistaprint... It is on my to-do list. So. Many. Choices. I am overwhelmed! Until then, my little star notes work fine. They are for my star staff, after all!

Monday, October 12, 2015

We ❤️ Reading!

This is my staff reading wall. We showcase every staff member reading a book. There are teachers on vacation, at their house, with their children, etc... Everyone is reading a book of their choice. I can't tell you how many kids and visitors stop by to check it out. I just looooove the look of it and the message it sends. I've been trying to find the link for the READ signs so I could share it with you. When I do, I will add that information. I probably found it on Stephanie McConnell's blog, The New Principals Principles. If not, just look around there anyway - she is fab.

Now that I look at it in this panoramic view, I am wondering if they are placed a little too randomly. Straightening them up or putting them in (dollar store) frames looks like an upcoming project!

Here is my picture with my little man... He wasn't too sure about my daughter snapping a photo!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Open House is ON!

Last year we accidentally booked our Open House evening on the same night as a Houston Texans football game. Who would think to check the NFL calendar when deciding on dates in July?? Well, we made the most of it! We ordered t-shirts that say "This Teacher Loves the Texans" (we wear them whenever they win!), and we moved the start time up to 5:00. It was a great evening! We had high attendance, but everyone was gone by 6:45 (which is great for students and teachers!). There was a positive spirit in the air because this is Texas - and we all LOVE football!!

We thought it went so well that we took advantage of another Thursday night game again this year! We wanted to kick it up a notch, so we shot a video in "sports" theme to invite the families. Take a look at it here:

If you watch it and want the signs our A-Team is holding up, download them for free here: Fun Signs for School Leaders I think they would be useful for many events, photos, and office decorations!
How do you organize Open House to balance meaningful event with fun, but keep it in a quick time frame so everyone can come back the next day, refreshed? #somanyhats

Friday, September 18, 2015

Data :Wall" is Under Construction

 I have a dream... it is to figure out a way to track the reading levels of my 900 students for \he years that they are enrolled with us. It is all IN MY MIND... I have to figure out how to get it IN MY SCHOOL! In my mind, I have a whole room dedicated to charts with movable cards so that we can celebrate and move them up/over to the next spot with great pride and flourish! In my school, I have teachers sharing rooms and 4 classrooms in portable buildings... So for a couple of years (we are beginning a two year process of building/rezoning in my district), my Data Wall is going to have to be portable.

Today we ordered a bunch of these pocket charts:


 Y'all - I ordered TWENTY!! I am so excited to get them in. Plus, don't you love the black charts? That will look awesome! I'm planning to have one chart for each level.

Then I ordered a couple of boxes of these:

I am going to color code these for each grade level. I saw a GREAT example online that used the student id #s on the front and different dots for special programs on the card as well. I am definitely doing that!! On the back, I am thinking about putting their picture. We get small "sticker" pictures from our photographer. How meaningful - teachers will be moving their kiddos up to the next level and we can see their sweet smiles when we do it! We can put dots for special programs on the front and list interventions on the back, if applicable.

So, it sounds like a BEAUTIFUL idea!! Don't you think? Well, if you are wondering what has taken me so long for the data wall, it is the lack of wall space. Then, I found this:

Into the cart it went. Hopefully it can hold all of my charts. Maybe I should have bought more than one, but storage is an issue right now as well. At least I can pull the charts off of this for the different grade levels and then place them back on after we meet. (Flash forward...In two years I am going to hang them on the wall!)

So, that is my "Under Construction Data Wall" - comprised of many great ideas I've seen at other people's schools and while browsing on line. It has been rolling around in my mind for a while, and I've finally pulled the trigger.

We are focusing on DRA levels because I believe that is the KEY to their success. I am so very fortunate that I work for a superintendent that does not believe in "chasing the banner". State test scores are not how we define success in our district. However, we all still want to shine. I want my students to shine by becoming confident, life-long readers! I have never met a child who loved reading that could not pass a state test. I believe it all falls into place once we hook them on reading, don't you?

So, I will update you after my teachers complete their Beginning of Year testing and I put the "Portable Data Wall" together. I can't wait until Mid Year when we can move our little Bears on up a few more levels! Celebrations ahead!

Monday, August 31, 2015

Leadership Verses

I know that public schools are limited in their religious overtones, and I certainly respect that. In my binder, however, I keep this little chart that I created. Feel free to download it at this link: Leadership Verses
It is for your personal use, if you are in need!

I hope your year is going well!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Hooray, we made it through week one! Our school is about to hit 900 students, grades PK - 4th. We are so busy that I am amazed at how positive & flexible my people are! I am super proud of them, but I know they will sleep well this weekend. It is Saturday night and I am still in pj's with no make up. Maybe they are more productive than I am, haha.... Anyway, I whipped up these little poem cards on Friday and we put Extra gum on top of it. I know that is not too original, but it was in our tiny petty cash budget. Follow the link underneath the picture (it is my 2nd TPT item! woohoo!) and print your copy out. There is room at the end for you to sign. Have a great week 2!!

EXTRA praise poem

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Here is something cute I am doing for my teachers. The first day is very stressful for everyone - little and big! I know that a small pack of candy isn't going to make or break them, but I hope that they will remember that I am cheering for them. We are going to have a GREAT year! I bet you will too!!

Here is the file, friends.... It is my first Teachers Pay Teachers item (it is FREE). It might be my only one, but we will see....

Click to download and enjoy...1st Day Smarties Link

Thursday, August 6, 2015


I found this cute chalkboard at Kirklands for $25. You guys. Twenty five dollars? I think I spent more than that on the chalk markers! This is a great deal, and I know we will get our $$ worth! 
This is what I have on each side. One of my first grade teachers found the "Welcome" statement on Pinterest and sent me a picture, adding that it would even cuter on a chalkboard. Her classroom is precious (!!!), so I knew she was on to something. I couldn't wait to make it happen!

Now when our families enter, this will greet them in the foyer. Registration is BUSY at Lone Star, so we will have plenty of foot traffic to see it! Love!! 💜

Monday, July 6, 2015

Summer Reading/Writing

Do you LOVE Todd Whitaker? I think he is the bees' knees, so I am excited to have these books ready for all 79 staff members upon their return. I'm spending a few weeks writing a personal note in each person's, which has been a powerful experience. So many of my staff exemplify most of the 17 things he lists that it is hard to choose just one. But I'm going to push through! 

I have a little tub (dishpan from a Target) for each staff member. My secretary and I use those for staff supplies, handouts, t-shirts, and other goodies. They look forward to getting their tubs on our 1st day back in August. I am going to put each person's book in their tub, and we will refer back to it throughout the year.

Are you sharing any books with your staff? 

Deep in the Heart

This will be our staff shirt for 2015-16. I am super excited! Getting organized for Back to School is a little like Christmas... My secretary and I love to pick out all of the goodies for our staff. We are like elves, haha!!

I love our shirt and theme: "Deep in the Heart". The reason students are successful in school is because of the connection we make with them - deep in the heart. So very important...

Also, Montgomery is the birthplace of the Texas flag, in case you didn't know...And of course we all love Chevron! 

Special thanks to CC Creations for finding the perfect shirt and creating our new design. They are super talented.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

She's B-a-a-a-ack!

So much has happened since my last post... (That is what happens when you don't write down your thoughts for 3 years, I guess!) Something important that occurred in my life is my job transfer. I was able to leave my previous principal position in a very large district (over 50 elementary schools!) to serve as principal in the smaller area where I live (4 elementary schools). I absolutely LOVE serving in my small town and seeing all my "peeps" - big and little - when I am out. It is a blessing to continue the job I love and be able to apply all of the training and knowledge from the 7 years at my previous one.

I am going to follow up on this post with some fun things we are doing at my campus. I've gotten so inspired from following principals on their blogs that I have started to feel a little guilty about letting mine slide! I am so excited to be back and share my thoughts. I will be back next week with a picture of our staff spirit shirts for 2015-16. They are going to be SUPER cute!! Our theme is "Deep in the Heart."

Happy Summer!